Omey Island Map + Guide + DVD


It took Sean 6 years to create this map and guide during yearly visits to the island with his family. Omey Island is a magical and mysterious tidal island in Connemara, County Galway, Ireland. The map is a colourful and quirky interpretation of the landscape and character of the island.

Placenames shown are not the commonly used names; The Fingers, the Toes, the Heart, the Soul, the Mouth, the Heel and the Eye. Although this is an alternative map it is still a practical introduction to an enchanting Island. The guide on the back is informative and includes how to get there, places to stay, things to do and lots more. There’s also details of a strange creature that was witnessed in the lake in 2003 by the artist and his wife.

The mini DVD contains a slideshow of 370 images of the island with a haunting soundtrack courtesy of Moby. There are photographs of animals, birds, flowers, sunsets, the shore, the landscape, buildings and historic sites as well as Pascal Whelan the only full time resident. The Map + Guide + DVD is in a waterproof sleeve that fits easily in your pocket. Omey is one of Ireland’s great secrets. The limitless freedom that the area called Common Sense offers is a rare spectacle these days. No walls or boundaries just open grassland with sandunes and boulders. It creates a surreal other world landscape with a virtually wild herd of cows roaming freely through it.

So this item will appeal to people that might like to visit the island some day but it will also appeal to map enthusiasts and art collectors as it is a standalone artwork by Sean Corcoran.

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Omey Island Map + Guide + DVD